Sectrets unfolded for you

You need not to have the flair of Steve Jobs or hair of Elon Musk to become a great entrepreneur.I know the whole bit about entrepreneurship is a cliché  but there is essence behind the emphasis.In order to  be in a den comprising the likes of  Richard Branson,Bill Gates,Mark Zuckerberg and the rest you need to tie your knots even more tighter.They never woke up and find themselves in those positions.Remember if you want to be like a lion you need to think like a lion.And if you want to outsmart a lion,you need to have a killer insticts.To my friends who are already there bravo!And to them who are not sure the steps to take am here for you.The following will do you good.

  1. PASSION&MOTIVATION;This is a very fundamental trait.Have you ever done a right thing at the wrong time?Like it’s 2a.m in the morning  but you still up until you complete that project.Hey you are not crazy you are just passionate about what you are doing.
  2. RISK TAKING;Successful entrepreneurs always dive into future of uncertainity.Mark you not all risk takers make it up there it all depend how one evaluates the risk involved.
  3. SELF BELIEF;Have you ever been stubborn before?If not then here is the place.Stubbornes and intense focus are very paramount.
  4. ADAPTABILITY &FLEXIBILITY;Welcome all suggestion for optimization and customization that satisfies client and market needs.Remember you are not developing products as a hobby but for the market.
  5. UNDERSTAND YOUR OFFERING;Be on standby .Know your market place and it’s dynamics inside and out.Beware of changes lest they cost you dearly.
  6. MONEY MANAGEMENT;Be smart,utilize your capital wisely.Be in that position of planning for present and future financial obligation.
  7. PLANNING;Do not plan everything at a go .This may hinder you from making even the first step.Maintain a mindset of dealing with unforeseen  possibilities.
  8. NETWORKING ABILITIES;Do not seek comfort in commiseration .Reach out to mentors with more experience and extensive network.
  9. TAKING EXIST;Try something else if that field doesn’t yield any fruit.
  10. DOUBT-NOT THAT MUCH;Ask yourself questions like,“AM I REALY   AN ENTREPRENEUR?”.That courage of asking yourself such  intimidating questions shows that you are good to go.

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